MacGuill & Company has extensive experience in defending people accused of all types of sexual offences.

We have a track record in securing acquittals for clients who have been falsely accused of very serious crimes, up to and including rape.

In this area, the presumption of innocence is absolutely paramount, and defending these cases can be a particular challenge.

We are supported in our work by forensic experts in the medical and IT sectors, whose evidence is often critical in securing the right outcome.

  • DPP v FM

Successful defence of rape charge

  • DPP v SF

Successful defence of rape charge

  • DPP v McC

Successful defence of sexual assault charge

  • DPP v FM

Pornography charges


James MacGuill

P:+353 (42) 933 4026

Aimée McCumiskey

P:+353 (42) 933 4026

Elise Martin-Vignerte

P:+353 (1) 878 7022