Best wishes to all for what will hopefully be a happy and prosperous 2021 despite the dreadful start. However the darkest hour is just before the dawn according to the Irish seanfhocail !
In light of the updated advice from the Government and the Courts Service we have reviewed how we can provide our services. We have learned over the last nine months that with very limited exceptions we can cater to your needs remotely .
In order to follow the NPHET recommendations our offices will remain closed to the general public . If any exception is justified it will be strictly by appointment only, and with the prior approval of the principle . No walk-ins will be accepted – which is only fair and respectful to all concerned . Only a skeleton staff will attend physically and only to the extent that is absolutely necessary
It remains possible to contact the Solicitor working on your case during office hours (9.00am – 5.30pm) by email or to arrange a phone or video call. We have found these pre-arranged video calls (Zoom/Teams) to be efficient and popular. Online consultations can be booked through our website
We are committed to making these alternatives work so that we can contribute fully to a sustained national effort to keep everyone safe . The stakes are too high to be casual
If your matter is urgent, please feel free to contact James MacGuill at 087 256 1772 (available 24/7) to get immediate advice and assistance..
Where physical attendance at courts is required of you we will give you advice and guidance. See also . It is imperative that this guidance is followed to the letter.
If you need advice in custody we will attend with you provided all guidance is followed by all concerned.
Deliveries can still be made to our offices of outsized items not suitable for post.
As always you can reach us at 042 933 4026 or 01 878 7022. The contact emails for our solicitors are:
James MacGuill
Aimee McCumiskey
Cathy Donald
Elise Martin-Vignerte
Rory Eakin
Ciara Hickey
Cian McCann
They will return emails in writing or by phone according to your preference.
Stay safe.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.